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Curriculum Vitae

Here you can find all the infos about me!

Welcome to Lorenzo Pattaro Zonta’s CV


Curious, multipotential and tirelessly interested to new things. Works better in team, appreciates sociability and great listener.
My personal interests range from orchestration of computing systems, artificial intelligence and quantum computing

Educational History

Bachelor’s degree in Computer, Communications and Electronics Engineering

Sep 2021 - Mar 2024

  • Algorithm and Data Structures
  • Software Engineering
  • Operating Systems
  • Parallel Computing

High School Diploma

Sep 2016 - Jun 2021

High School Diploma in Applied Sciences
ISS Calabrese Levi, San Pietro in Cariano (VR), Italy

Knowledge of programming languages and tools


High knowledge with threads managment, input/output and standard in/out/err operations, and foundations of Parallel Computing


High knowledge with use of gui libraries such as egui, web frameworks such as rocket

Javascript/Node JS

Medium knowledge
Creation of node js backend app with api creation and communication between front and backend. Software testing with Jest


Medium level with use of web scraping libraries, and simple os operations.


Medium knowledge of non relational databases using MongoDB and mongoose

Project and Hobbies

First Lego League

Sep 2019 - Mar 2020 Reached the semi-finals of the national selections

Scout - AGESCI

Member of the scout group Bussolengo 1



Native speaker


English Cambridge Certification Level B2

For more information: Linkedin

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